If you've been invited to participate as a contributor in a DecisionDirector activity, whether to provide input on requirements or feedback on business process document, for example, your invitation will arrive by email, and it will look similar to the examples shown below.
DecisionDirector Invitation by Email
The invitation will be sent from an account named "notify@decisiondirector.com" and will include a subject line that begins with "INVITATION to Contribute".
Important Note: Please be sure that your email system will accept messages from notify@decisiondirector.com, and that they don't get blocked or sent to your spam folder. If you were told to expect an invitation but have not yet received it, please check your spam or junk folder or contact your mail administrator for assistance.
To respond to the invitation (accept or decline), click on the link under the "To view or act upon..." label.
Standard DecisionDirector Email Invitation
Pre-Assigned DecisionDirector Accounts and Password
For some activities, accounts and password are pre-assigned, saving you time and steps in gaining access to DecisionDirector. When that is the case, the account id (your email address) and a pre-assigned password will be included in the email, and the invitation will look something like this:
Invitation Email with Information About Your Pre-Assigned Account
Important Notes
If you already have a DecisionDirector account... clicking on the "To view or act" link in the invitation email will take you to the DecisionDirector login page. Login with the credentials you had previously created (or those that were provided to you). Once you log in, you will be automatically directed to your Messages log and, specifically, to the actual invitation where you can Accept (or Decline) it. See the steps below.
If you do not have a DecisionDirector account... clicking on the "To view or act" link in the invitation email will take you to where you can create your DecisionDirector account.
Invitations are Stored in your Messages Log
In addition to being sent to your email address, all DecisionDirector invitations are stored in your Messages Log. The Messages Log is where you access and act upon your invitations.
In the example below, Donna is preparing to respond to an invitation to contribute to a requirements gathering activity. She will click the "Accept..." button to open the Accept Invitation dialogue.
Accepting the Invitation
The Accept Invitation dialogue allows Donna to accept the invitation by clicking the Accept button. Optionally, Donna can also include a note to the issuer of the invitation.
(If Donna had chosen to decline the invitation, a similar dialogue would have appeared.)
After Accepting the Invitation, go to your Dashboard
After clicking the Accept button, DecisionDirector will close the Accept Invitation dialogue and return you to the Message Log where you may review other messages or respond to other invitations.
In this example, Donna has no other invitations, and will click the Dashboard tab to access the activity she has just accepted.
The Accepted Activities Appear on Your Dashboard
Once you accept an activity, it will shown up on your dashboard. Click the Collaborate link to access and contribute to the activity.
See Contributing to a DecisionDirector Activity.
Getting Back to Your Dashboard
No matter where you are in DecisionDirector, you can always get back to your Dashboard. Just click on your account menu, then click My Dashboard. Think of it as going back to your home page.