Q: What do we mean when we use the term "Complex Procurement" ?
A: We use the term "Complex Procurement" when the procurement is itself a complex project that involves many people, several phases, numerous requirements, ma...
Our clients will use DecisionDirector to support their complex procurements, including the RFP/bid process. Our clients will typically publish the bids they create through DecisionDirector through their normal channel (bid site, bid pu...
Logging into DecisionDirector is easy. Point your browser to " https://advantiv.decisiondirector.com ", enter your email address and password, then click the Login button. You'll be presented with your personal DecisionDirector dash...
Engagement Managers Create Proposal Teams Engagements Managers create proposal teams by issuing Invitations to Participate to the individual(s) who will be working on the bid response. NOTE: if you are an Engagement Manager (accepts Invitations...
There are two ways to obtain a DecisionDirector account.
One way is to receive an invitation via email to participate in a DecisionDirector activity such as requirements gathering or document feedback (or to receive a similar invitation to...
About Attachments DecisionDirector gives clients great control over many aspects of their RFP, including the collection of attachments. When configuring the RFP, clients specify for each question or requirement whether: Attachments are REQUIRED;...
To get started with DecisionDirector, you need only two things: a DecisionDirector account and an invitation or authorization to participate in or in some other way manage a DecisionDirector project.
Obtaining a DecisionDirector account is eas...
Submitting a Bid When a bid is 100% complete and ready to submit, the vendor's Engagement Manager will go through the following steps in order to submit the bid: Select the bid from the list of active engagements. Confirm that the bid is eligibl...
In order to provide responses to an RFP, you must first be invited to be a Bid Respondent, and then you must accept that invitation. This invitation will come someone, perhaps your proposal coordinator, whose DecisionDirector account has Eng...
If you've been invited to participate as a contributor in a DecisionDirector activity, whether to provide input on requirements or feedback on business process document, for example, your invitation will arrive by email, and it will look similar...