Pasting Graphics within a Narrative Response
DecisionDirector's response editor supports pasting images within your response.
To paste a graphic within the Narrative response field's text editor:
- Click on the Advanced Editor button from the standard editor menu
- Copy your desired image from your folder
- Paste (CRTL-V) the image at the desired location in your Narrative Response
- If you need to re-size the image, right-click on the image and select Properties, then set the desired size.
- Remember: This image will be included in the response documents generated by DecisionDirector.
- Save and Close the Advanced Editor to be returned to the standard editor
- Complete your response and the be sure to click Save.
Screenshots for Image Pasting and Re-Sizing
Accessing the Advanced Editor:
Accessing the Advanced Editor
Image pasted into DecisionDirector via the Advanced Editor:
Image Pasted into Narrative Response -- Before Resizing to Enlarge It
Accessing the Image Properties:
Accessing the Image Properties
Resizing the Image:
Resizing the Image
Image after Being Enlarged:
Pasted Image after Enlarging
Save and Close to Return to the Standard Editor:
Save and Close to Return to the Standard Editor
Back to the Standard Editor, Be Sure to Click Save to Record Your Response:
Back to the Standard Editor