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Updated Articles

  1. Accepting the Invitation to Contribute

    If you've been invited to participate as a contributor in a DecisionDirector activity, whether to provide input on requirements or feedback on business process document, for example, your invitation will arrive by email, and it will look similar...
  2. How do I change my password?

    Changing Your Password Click the dropdown menu by your name and select “ Account Settings ” Click “ Credentials / Change Password ”  Click “ Change Password ” Enter your current password and a new password.  Password must be between 6-20...
  3. Pasting Graphics within a Narrative Response

    Pasting Graphics within a Narrative Response DecisionDirector's response editor supports pasting images within your response. To paste a graphic within the Narrative response field's text editor: Click on the Advanced Editor button from the stan...
  4. Joining the Proposal Team (or Becoming a Bid Respondent) - The Invitation to Participate

    In order to provide responses to an RFP, you must first be invited  to be a Bid Respondent, and then you must accept  that invitation. This invitation will come someone, perhaps your proposal coordinator, whose DecisionDirector account has Eng...
  5. Creating the Proposal Team (Adding Participants)

    Engagement Managers Create Proposal Teams Engagements Managers create proposal teams by issuing Invitations to Participate to the individual(s) who will be working on the bid response. NOTE: if you are an Engagement Manager (accepts Invitations...
  6. Resending and Extending Invitations to Bid Respondents (aka "Participants")

    It's True. Invitations Get Lost and Sometimes Even Expire But there is an easy fix for both situations. Bid Managers can resend invitations and can extend expired invitations. NOTE: The expiration date of an invitation is not (technically) relat...
  7. Collaborative Due Diligence with DecisionDirector

    The term " due diligence " refers to the reasonable steps that a prudent person or group would take to ensure that a future action would produce the desired results and not cause injury or harm. When procuring an enterprise software system, for exam...
  8. How DecisionDirector Works

    This topic covers the basics of how DecisionDirector works. DecisionDirector for Your Organization When an organization acquires a subscription to DecisionDirector, they immediately get three things: A master Document Library. The right to crea...
  9. Getting Started with the DecisionDirector RFP Response Process

    We host on-line RFPs (or RFx's) through our DecisionDirector   system. DecisionDirector allows our clients to publish all relevant RFP documents, including questions, requirements, terms and conditions, pricing forms, et cetera, and allows vendo...
  10.  Submitting a Bid Response

    This video shows how to submit a DecisionDirector bid response. ...