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Updated Articles

  1. Creating a Collaborative Activity

    The central purpose of DecisionDirector is to allow people to collaborate in a structured, efficient, easy, and effective way that leads to alignment of people and purpose and establishes the foundation for great decision-making. Typical colla...
  2. Managing Bids (aka Engagements)

    The Functions of an Engagement Manager The main function of an Engagement Manager is to manage engagements. (In DecisionDirector, the term "engagement" is a broader concept than just "bids", but you can think of an Engagement Manager as a...
  3.  Creating a Collaborative Activity (the ENTIRE process)

    This tutorial demonstrates the entire process of creating a collaborative activity, including: Creating a Workspace Confirming/configuring Documents Creating Response Definitions Creating an Activity Configuring an A...
  4. Activity Configuration Cheat Sheet

    Configuring an Activity for Collaboration - Cheat Sheet ...
  5. What is DecisionDirector?

    DecisionDirector is a web-based collaboration platform that was designed to make it easy and desirable to actively but efficiently involve stakeholders in planning, procurement, and b usiness process redesign projects. Decisi...
  6. Do Contributors need any type of administrative access or role?

    No, none at all. Just issue them an invitation to be a contributor to your activity and they will be all set.  For more information, see  Understanding Administrative Accounts vs Contributors  and  Inviting People to be Contributors . ...
  7. Administrative Accounts and Roles

    Administrative Accounts Administrative  accounts are responsible for the creation, configuration, operation, and management of projects and project resources in DecisionDirector. An administrative account is created when a holder of a DecisionD...
  8. Creating and Managing Administrative Accounts

    Establishing the First Organization Administrator In order to begin working with DecisionDirector, a newly subscribing organization will need to designate a person to be the Organization Administrator and then provide the email address of that ...
  9. Understanding Administrative Accounts vs Contributors

    There are two primary functions that DecisionDirector account holders can be invited to perform: administration of libraries, project workspaces, and activities, and participation in activities. Administrative Accounts Administrati...
  10. Benefits Provided by DecisionDirector

    DecisionDirector was created to increase the value of complex planning, procurement, and business process redesign projects while reducing the overall cost to the enterprise . Complexity in a procurement project may reflect, for example: ...